Peace Winds Approach

Our success starts with partnership.

Peace Winds coordinates and collaborates with local NGOs, host nations, military branches, and governments around the world to prepare and respond to natural disasters and man-made crises. Peace Winds acquires funding from foundations, businesses, governments, and individual donors to aid communities and individuals (victims, refugees and the internally displaced) in relief and recovery.

Preparedness = Increased Collaboration + Building Capacity.

Peace Winds brings together disaster managers and key decision makers from across the globe. In workshops and forums, men and women collaborate, devise plans, and exchange resources and best practices. After our workshops, disaster managers are better equipped to handle emergencies and save lives. A better response lowers the human and economic costs of disasters.

Response = Efficient & Integrated Relief, Saved Lives & Lower Costs.

We partner with our network of NGOs in host nations and affected countries to ensure those with expert knowledge of the communities use donor resources efficiently to reach all populations in need of assistance.

Recovery = Resilient & Active Communities Prepared to Withstand Future Disasters

Peace Winds stays beyond initial relief efforts to ensure communities get back on their feet as quickly as possible following disaster. Peace Winds provides livelihood training and education opportunities to local residents and builds infrastructure such as schools, community centers, and other facilities to benefit the community for years to come.

Learn how our programs save lives.