Supporting the People of Sri Lanka

Timeframe: 2009-Present

Support for Internally Displaced People and Agricultural Activities in Sri Lanka (2009-Present)

When Sri Lanka’s 26-year-long civil war ended in 2009, Peace Winds began providing food assistance to internally displaced people as well as temporary housing necessary for resettlement. Agricultural infrastructure was also impacted by the war, and parts of Sri Lanka are in need of repairs to components such as irrigation equipment, rice mills, and barns. 

In 2011, Peace Winds began an ongoing program to support farmers through the promotion of organic agriculture. This kind of support has proven especially critical in the midst of Sri Lanka’s current economic crisis at a time when prices for traditional fertilizer and pesticides are out of reach or too expensive. Local farmers attend Peace Winds’ training sessions to learn organic farming techniques, including how to make their own organic fertilizers and pesticides. Our teams also help farmers promote their produce at local farmers markets where they can directly reach customers. 

A group of Sri Lankan people wearing brightly colored clothing stand outside around a small tree with green leaves

Agriculture training in Trincomalee

Emergency Support During Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis

Sri Lanka is currently facing its worst economic crisis since its independence from Britain in 1948. On April 1, 2022 the government issued a state of emergency throughout the country in response to the expansion of citizens’ protests against the crisis. Although the situation is improving, many families are still struggling to make ends meet. Peace Winds is supporting farmers and day laborers, two groups that have been hit particularly hard, through organic agriculture training programs.

In September and November 2022, Peace Winds provided food packages to a total of more than 430 households in two of Trincomalee District’s poorest and most vulnerable villages. Food kits included rice, flour, sugar, tea, lentils, noodles, dried fish, and nutritional supplements. This support effort was made possible thanks to the generosity of our individual donors. As we continue to receive donations, Peace Winds provide further assistance to the people northeastern Sri Lanka who are suffering from the economic crisis. Click here to learn more about our support efforts and to make a donation.

Two smiling Sri Lankan woman carry yellow bags of food packages in front of a white house with a terra cotta roof

Food distribution in Trincomalee

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