Featured Post, Middle East, Iraq

Improving Life for Refugees by Providing Shelter

About 1.13 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees are in northern Iraq due to the Middle East crisis.  Peace Winds is supporting the construction of shelters in the Mamrashan IDP and refugee camp in the Duhok State of Iraq.  Peace Winds goal is to improve the camp environment and combat the struggles the residents face, including security, privacy, and protection from extreme weather conditions.

Once families reach the safety of the Syria-Iraq border, there is no guarantee of a secure residence.  Families are forced to sleep in tents or old homes abandoned years ago and need repairs.  In these circumstances, the extreme weather in winter and summer is unbearable.  After many years of war, some of these camps have still not received support to build proper shelters for evacuees.

Peace Winds established 100 prefabricated shelters in the Mamrashan camp.  The overflow of displaced people from other camps moved immediately into the new shelters.  Traditional shelters have one single room that families must share.  Many households are evacuating with relatives, meaning a single room does not meet the needs of large families.  Each of the Peace Winds shelters contain two bedrooms and a small living area separated by walls, providing privacy and comfort to families.

An abandoned structure where some refugees live when no tents or shelters were available.
An abandoned structure where some refugees live when no tents or shelters were available.
A line of new prefabricated shelters provided by Peace Winds.

Ms. Kawe and her 11 family members fled to Iraq after their village was attacked.  The initial camp provided only a simple tent.  They moved to the Mamrashan camp and were placed in a family-friendly shelter.  Ms. Kawe said, “We have never had a peace of mind until this camp.  We know food will be delivered and we have a nice shelter.  Now I feel my family and I can live with hope.”

Ms. Kawe in her new shelter home.

Peace Winds continues providing assistance to the communities who are accepting refugees and internally displaced persons. Peace Winds continues to ensure refugees and IDPs feel protected in the upcoming seasons.

READ MORE about Peace Winds’ work in the Middle East.

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