Fixing Roofs and Repairing Homes in Saint-Jean-du-Sud
“This area has not received any support from the government, even for the water supply. My heart bleeds for the residents living in such conditions. Peace Winds is the first group who came to listen to stories about the people in this region…there are many families who need to fix their homes more than anything else. This kind of support is really needed for the people.”
–Du Ponts Joseph Estime, mayor of Saint-Jean-du-Sud

Distributing tool kits to repair houses destroyed by Hurricane Matthew
In outlying Saint-Jean-du-Sud, a pastoral area more than five hours from Port-au-Prince, relief for hurricane victims has been sparse. A small amount of food was distributed in October, but the community has received little else in recent months. With no other assistance, earthquake victims have done the best they can to salvage their crops and livestock. But for many, there is nothing to recover.
Peace Winds makes a point of seeking out communities that are overlooked in relief distribution. Saint-Jean-du-Sud is difficult to access because of destroyed roads, but Peace Winds concentrated our relief distribution there in January and February.

During interviews in this underserved area Peace Winds discovered a huge need: repairing homes. Du Ponts Joseph Estime, the mayor of Saint-Jean-de-Sud told Peace Winds, “Food aid is needed but there are many families who could be benefited if they can fix their homes more than anything else. This kind of support is really needed for the people.”

During January and February Peace Winds distributed CGI (corrugated iron plates) and tool kits to 1,600 households (8,000 people). Our engineer also held workshops to teach people how to use the tools and properly secure their roofs to withstand heavy wind and rain.

Bill Noel, who participated in the workshop, happily said, “I learned a lot of things using the correct tools that I did not know until now. Such assistance is also given for the first time after the hurricane. “

Without your help, we couldn’t meet the needs of the overlooked people of Saint-Jean-du-Sud. Thank you.
READ MORE > about Peace Winds’ work in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew.