Asia, Taiwan

Peace Winds America Partners With Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps

Typhoon Morakot made landfall in Taiwan on August 8 of 2009. Record-breaking rainfall exceeded 100 inches, flooding much of the country and triggering landslides in several regions. Hundreds are dead or missing, and thousands were injured, making Morakot the deadliest typhoon in Taiwan’s recorded history.

The villages of Wenfun and Wentzu were severely flooded. Disastrous conditions left many injured, and numerous residents contracted dermal diseases and other illnesses. PWA, Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps, and their huge volunteer force delivered medical treatment to the the victims.

The devastating rain and mudslides damaged much of the infrastructure in the two villages. Assessments show that significant aid is still needed for road clearing and rebuilding. Peace Winds America is tracking the situation in Wenfun and Wentzu in preparation to further assist the area.

READ MORE about Peace Winds’ work involving Taiwan.