Africa, South Sudan

Latrines and bathing area constructed for internally displaced persons in South Sudan

Peace Winds South Sudan team inspect the Al Mahad IDP Camp.

South Sudan – In the South Sudanese capitol, Juba, several camps house thousands of internally displaced persons (IDP) who fled the on-going civil war that began in December 2013. Peace Winds has monitored the growing conflict and has provided basic necessities, food, clean water, construction materials, and educational programming to these communities.

The Al Mahad IDP Camp is located in a predominately Muslim community in Juba. The area was originally vacant but rapidly transformed into a temporary camp as people sought safety. The surrounding communities welcomed those fleeing regardless of their religious affiliations.

Currently about 7,000 internally displaced persons reside at the Al Mahad IDP Camp. Peace Winds observed camp organization and management of basic necessities were not well-maintained; no governing body was in charge of supplying necessities such as clean water and sanitation support. Many elements of the camp were also in disarray: wells were broken, no water supplied the toilets, and the surrounding environment was unsanitary. Given these circumstances, Peace Winds initiated relief efforts by first installing clean water and latrines.

Results from a camp-wide survey indicated very few individuals washed in the bathing areas, because the areas lacked clear designation, secured private facilities, and female-only washing areas. Peace Winds and the camp leaders confirmed the need for proper water and sanitation facilities and methods. If the need were unaddressed, water-borne illnesses and disease could rapidly spread. Together with Peace Winds staff and camp residents, 30 individual bathing facilities were constructed.

Outward view of bathing facility.

Interior view of bathing facility.

Today the ever-increasing number of IDPs continues to overstretch supplies and facilities. Peace Winds is making further efforts to improve the lives of people, and certainly appreciates your continued support.

Children in Al Mahad IDP Camp.

READ MORE about Peace Winds’ programming in South Sudan.

DONATE HERE to support communities in the Mahad IDP Camp recovering from conflict.