Peace Winds Continues Dialogue with Japan, U.S., and Taiwan on Disaster Relief
Peace Winds visited Japan and Taiwan to continue dialogue on Peace Winds’ newest disaster coordination initiative. The new initiative will bring together disaster responders and policy makers from the U.S., Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, and others, to enhance the region’s capacity and collaboration in disaster relief.

Previous Preparedness Initiatives have focused on national and regional collaboration, including a bilateral Japan-U.S. Initiative and trilateral Initiatives with the Philippines-Japan-U.S. and with Korea-Japan-U.S. Taiwan is a natural partner for the new initiative due to its vulnerability to various disasters, geographic location, and its interest in providing cross-border assistance.

Peace Winds has an innovative “whole of society” approach focusing on the coordination and collaboration of governments, militaries, NGOs, and the private sector in the Asia Pacific region. PWA designs and implements collaborative preparedness initiatives specifically tailored to the needs and interests of Asia Pacific.

This round of dialogue included meetings with Japan and Taiwan Ministries of Foreign Affairs, National Defense, other government stakeholders, various NGO groups, and the private sector. We look forward to further discussion with these partners as we develop the initiative to further strengthen disaster preparedness, response, and coordination in the Asia Pacific.
PWA welcomes the involvement of additional partners and donors to implement its preparedness initiatives. If interested, please contact us. Read more about this initiative here.