Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami (2011)

Heaters Provide Warmth through Winter

Many temporary housing units in Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures lack adequate sources of heat.  For families that lost everything in the March 11 tsunami, warmth and comfort through the winter are essential to recovery.  Peace Winds, in concert with local governments, is providing heated carpets and space heaters for 8,000 families whose homes are without adequate heat.

As temperatures cooled this fall, local governments identified households that are vulnerable to the freezing temperatures of winter.  Lacking funds, municipal governments sought help, and through a partnership with Peace Winds 8,000 homes will stay warm this winter.  Peace Winds and local governments initiated the project in late October.  All heaters are purchased through local retailers to spur economic activity in the disaster-affected areas.

Since April Peace Winds disaster supplies and services have reached thousands at numerous temporary housing complexes in Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures.  Peace Winds remains committed to serving displaced people in temporary housing and private homes.

READ MORE > about Peace Winds’ work in Tohoku.