Featured Post, The Americas, Haiti

Construction completed on first community center in Saint Jean du Sud

Since February 2018 Peace Winds has been training local carpenters, masons, and community members in disaster resistant construction techniques. The first group of construction trainees led by Peace Winds’ engineers recently completed construction of one of three planned community centers in the Saint Jean du Sud area. The community center was the final project for the trainees to evaluate their skills.

Opening day of the new community center

The trainees completed the first building in October, followed by an opening ceremony.  The successful ceremony featured a Haitian traditional dance group, joined by residents and government officials.  Haitian government officials, the Mayor of Saint-Jean-de-Sud, and staff from the Japanese Embassy attended the ceremony.

A local group performs a traditional Haitian dance for the opening ceremony.

The community center will serve as the community hub and gathering place for education programs, livelihood trainings, community events, and will house several small businesses. The center also serves as a stronghold and shelter during disasters.

Local residents enjoy the opening day ceremony activities

The trained carpenters and masons will continue construction of the two more community centers. Peace Winds hopes to have these centers completed by the end of 2018.  Peace Winds is looking to expand the construction training in additional areas that have expressed interest.

We appreciate your continued support to the people and community of Saint Jean du Sud.

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