Category: Asia

Helicopter view of a suburban neighborhood with collapsed houses on either side of a road
Earthquake Relief in Japan’s Noto Peninsula: How the Situation has Changed after Three Months

Three months have passed since a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck Japan’s Noto… Read more >

Japanese man wearing white Peace Winds polo shirt stands with a woman in a blue t shirt and two young girls wearing red traditional outfits
Three Years Since the Coup: Why We Shouldn’t Forget About Myanmar

On February 1, Myanmar marked three years since the military coup which… Read more >

Doctor wearing a red ARROWS uniform and white face mask looks into the mouth of an elderly man with a flashlight
Ongoing Support for Ishikawa Earthquake Survivors: An Interview with ARROWS Dr. Inaba

More than one month after the New Year’s Day earthquake in Japan’s… Read more >

One Month Since Japan’s New Year’s Day Earthquake

February 1 marks the one month anniversary of the New Year’s Day… Read more >

person in a large blue fish costume and two women
Bringing Healthcare to Palau’s Most Remote Islands

In 2023, the Peace Winds Palau team screened more than 460 residents… Read more >

Three elderly Japanese evacuees sit at a table, smiling and waving to the camera while holding oranges. A Peace Winds staff member in a red jacket stands at the end of the table, smiling and holding a box of oranges
Ishikawa Earthquake Relief Week 4: Managing Evacuation Center Operations

Four weeks after the New Year’s Day earthquake in Japan’s Noto Peninsula,… Read more >

Two smiling Japanese women sit on opposite sides in an elementary school gym holding a plastic wrapped food while a Japanese woman in a red ARROWS jacket sits between them
Ishikawa Earthquake Relief Week 3

Three weeks have passed since the 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck Ishikawa Prefecture… Read more >

Doctor wearing a red ARROWS uniform and white face mask looks into the mouth of an elderly man with a flashlight
Ishikawa Earthquake Relief Week 2: Providing Medical Care and Essential Supplies

A full week has passed since a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the… Read more >

Collapsed home in the foreground with a blue sky above
Ishikawa Earthquake Week 1: Medical Care and Search-and-Rescue Support

The 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck the Noto Peninsula in Japan’s western… Read more >

Team of 8 Peace Winds/ARROWS staff members stand inside a white tent wearing red or blue emergency response uniforms
Earthquake Response in Ishikawa, Japan: Jan 1, 2024

A powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck near Ishikawa Prefecture’s Noto Peninsula on… Read more >