Featured Post, Middle East, Iraq

A Look at the Impact of Peace Winds’ Workshops on the Lives of Syrian Refugees

In December 2022, Peace Winds and our partner Barzani Charity Foundation were proud to open three new workshops in three camps in Duhok, Iraq over the course of three weeks. Along with our existing workshops, the new workshops allow Syrian refugees to borrow tools free of charge and to take courses that teach them how to use the tools safely and effectively. Refugees can use the workshop space or take tools home to work on personal projects or upgrades to their shelters. Not only do the tool centers help refugees build skills that they can use to find future income-earning opportunities, but they help them save money they might otherwise have to spend on household repairs.

Check out our interviews with workshop participants and instructors in the Domiz-1 and 2 camps to hear how Peace Winds’ and Barzani Charity Foundation’s workshops are changing lives!

This project is funded by the U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and supported by the U.S. Consulate General Erbil.