Our Mission
To help people and communities devastated by disasters, conflict, and other crises build more secure, sustainable, and just futures for themselves.

About Us

Peace Winds America is part of a trans-Pacific alliance with Peace Winds Japan and Peace Winds Korea, working with our sister organizations to respond to disasters and humanitarian crises around the globe. First established in Japan, Peace Winds now operates programs in more than 30 countries. Programs provide emergency relief to those affected by disasters, humanitarian assistance for refugees and displaced peoples, and community-building support for the world’s most vulnerable people. 

Peace Winds implements a wide range of activities that provide food, shelter, essential supplies, water and sanitation, health care, psychosocial support, vocational training, and other forms of support in a holistic manner. In carrying these out, Peace Winds prioritizes preparedness and sustainability and works in close collaboration with other civil society organizations, governments, businesses, and international organizations.

Peace Winds America is a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with headquarters in Washington, D.C. Our sister organizations, Peace Winds Japan and Peace Winds Korea, are registered as nonprofit organizations in their respective countries. 

Learn more about Peace Winds Japan (Japanese/日本語).

Learn more about Peace Winds Korea (Korean/한국인).

Peace Winds

  • Responds rapidly to save lives, reduce suffering, and offer emergency relief
  • Improves access to shelter, water, sanitation, healthcare, and other basic needs
  • Supports long-term recovery, including with community-building and livelihoods programs
  • Emphasizes support for vulnerable populations such as women, persons with disabilities, and the elderly
  • Provides comprehensive disaster preparedness and response training

Since 1996, Peace Winds Japan has targeted those most in need. The Middle East was the early recipient of relief assistance, consisting of medical supplies, shelters, water, school construction, and livelihood training. For more than twenty years, PWJ has provided assistance to internally displaced peoples and refugees throughout the world. Peace Winds America began in 2008 by focusing on strengthening preparedness and response to natural disasters in the Asia Pacific. Peace Winds works together to prepare and respond to natural disasters and man-made crises around the world.

Our Vision

Peace Winds envisions a world where non-governmental organizations, governments, and the private sector come together to advance resilience in the face of disasters, conflict, and crises.

Why Preparedness Training?

Investing in disaster preparedness saves money and lives down the road.

  • The response is clearly more effective when roles and responsibilities are clear and networks are established.
  • The economic value of preparedness in developing countries is even greater as weak infrastructure is more prone to damage in a natural disaster.
  • Studies show that $1 spent in preparedness saves $4-$11 in future response costs.

Find out more about our Preparedness Training and Initiatives around the world.